We’ve been together since 2014.
Our work has become interwoven with our relationship, starting from intimacy to explore representations of collectivity that question the hegemonic ways of narrating ourselves. “Narrarse es cuidarse”, we tell each other. ”To narrate ourselves is to take care of each other".
Through speculative fiction, we try to sustain worlds in which the domestic, marginality, recreation and desire converge. In our research on transindividual narratives we have approached practices as diverse as synchronized swimming, raving and role-playing games. In our performances, videos and installations, we collaborate with relatives, friends, lovers, viruses, ghosts and other companions.
Our work has become interwoven with our relationship, starting from intimacy to explore representations of collectivity that question the hegemonic ways of narrating ourselves. “Narrarse es cuidarse”, we tell each other. ”To narrate ourselves is to take care of each other".
Through speculative fiction, we try to sustain worlds in which the domestic, marginality, recreation and desire converge. In our research on transindividual narratives we have approached practices as diverse as synchronized swimming, raving and role-playing games. In our performances, videos and installations, we collaborate with relatives, friends, lovers, viruses, ghosts and other companions.
Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc
Buenos Aires, 1983
Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld
Madrid, 1981
A.PASS (Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies). Artistic Research Postgraduate, Brussels, BE
MA Visual Communication-Moving Images, Royal College of Art, London, UK
BA Audiovisual Communication, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES
Pablo Lilienfeld
MA Research Studios, P.A.R.T.S. Brussels, BE
BA Audiovisual Communication, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES
BA in Contemporary Dance by the Royal Dance Conservatory Madrid, ES
Visiting Lecturer, Visual Communication Royal College of Art, London, UK
Pablo Lilienfeld
Visiting lecturer of Dance and Technology at the Dance Conservatory of Madrid, ES
Guest Lecturer, Institute del Teatre, Barcelona, ES
-Dangerous When Wet. Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhague, DK
-Draconis Lacrimae. Bâtard Festival, Brussels, BE
-Dragon, rest your head on the seabed. Hauser & Wirth, Festival Piedraviva, Menorca, ES
-Draconis Lacrimae. Bâtard Festival, Brussels, BE
-Dragon, rest your head on the seabed. Hauser & Wirth, Festival Piedraviva, Menorca, ES
-Draconis Lacrimae. Me gustas pixelad_ La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
-Book Launch Draconis Lacrimae The Player’s Habdbook, A.pass End Presentations, De Markten, Brussels, BE
-Book Launch Draconis Lacrimae The Player’s Habdbook, A.pass End Presentations, De Markten, Brussels, BE
-Dragon, rest your head on the seabed. Loom Festival, Barcelona, ES (cancelled)
-Dangerous When Wet. Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhague, DK (postponed)
-Dangerous When Wet. Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhague, DK (postponed)
-Dragon, rest your head on the seabed. Santancargelo Festival, IT
-Beneath the seabed, a dragon (site-specific). Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao, ES
-Hydra. MACBA, Festival Salmon, Barcelona, ES
-Hydra. Tribuna Pública, A Coruña, ES
-Link in Bio. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid, ES
-Songs of Hain. Festival Haizebegi, Bayonne, FR
-Positive, CineClube Anjos70, Lisboa, PT
-Beneath the seabed, a dragon (site-specific). Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao, ES
-Hydra. MACBA, Festival Salmon, Barcelona, ES
-Hydra. Tribuna Pública, A Coruña, ES
-Link in Bio. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid, ES
-Songs of Hain. Festival Haizebegi, Bayonne, FR
-Positive, CineClube Anjos70, Lisboa, PT
-Monitoring, Kasseler DokFest, Kassel, DE
-Dragon, rest your head on the seabed. Festival Veranos de la Villa, Madrid, ES
-Cantos del Hain. Museo Salvador Allende y NAVE, Santiago de Chile, CL
-Tradiciones Subvertidas, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
-Miradas País, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, ES
-WOMB, CA2M, Móstoles, ES
-Dragon, rest your head on the seabed. Festival Veranos de la Villa, Madrid, ES
-Cantos del Hain. Museo Salvador Allende y NAVE, Santiago de Chile, CL
-Tradiciones Subvertidas, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
-Miradas País, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, ES
-WOMB, CA2M, Móstoles, ES
-Songs of Hain. MAC Gas Natura Fenosa, A Coruña, ES
-PSY Hysteria, Kunstraum, London, UK
-Introducing the Star, Escenas do Cambio, Santiago de Compostela, ES
-Zoinks!, Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona, ES
-Introducing the Star, Queer Lisboa, PT
-PSY Hysteria, Kunstraum, London, UK
-Introducing the Star, Escenas do Cambio, Santiago de Compostela, ES
-Zoinks!, Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona, ES
-Introducing the Star, Queer Lisboa, PT
-Songs of Hain. NAVE, Santiago de Chile, CL
-Introducing the Star. La plaza en verano, Matadero, Madrid, ES
-Introducing the Star. Sala Hiroshima, Barcelona, ES
-Introducing the Star. Leal-Lav, La Laguna, ES
-Introducing the Star. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid, ES
-SeMente, Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, ES
-Introducing the Star. La plaza en verano, Matadero, Madrid, ES
-Introducing the Star. Sala Hiroshima, Barcelona, ES
-Introducing the Star. Leal-Lav, La Laguna, ES
-Introducing the Star. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid, ES
-SeMente, Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, ES
-Introducing the Star. Festival Madrid en Danza, Madrid, ES
-EJECT. Centro Juan de Salazar, Asunción, PY
-EJECT. Festival VDBA, Buenos Aires, AR
-EJECT. Dança em Transito, Rio de Janeiro, BR
-EJECT. TEFAF, Maastricht, NL
-EJECT. Centro Juan de Salazar, Asunción, PY
-EJECT. Festival VDBA, Buenos Aires, AR
-EJECT. Dança em Transito, Rio de Janeiro, BR
-EJECT. TEFAF, Maastricht, NL
-The Red Blinder, Leyden Gallery, London, UK
-Proyecto Moscú, Es Baluard, Mallorca, ES
-Proyecto Moscú, CGAC, Santiago Compostela, ES
-Gender Travel. MNCARS, Madrid, ES
-Daba Pruft. MKII, Londres, UK
-Going Nowhere Together. La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
-EDIT. La Fundición, Bilbao, ES
-Proyecto Moscú, Es Baluard, Mallorca, ES
-Proyecto Moscú, CGAC, Santiago Compostela, ES
-Gender Travel. MNCARS, Madrid, ES
-Daba Pruft. MKII, Londres, UK
-Going Nowhere Together. La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
-EDIT. La Fundición, Bilbao, ES
-Veraneantes. MARCO, Vigo, ES
-In the future we will all be deer. Espacio El Palomar, Barcelona, ES
-Proyecto Moscú. MAC, A Coruña, ES
-EJECT. La Alhóndiga, Bilbao, ES
-EJECT. La Fundición, Sevilla, ES
-In the future we will all be deer. Espacio El Palomar, Barcelona, ES
-Proyecto Moscú. MAC, A Coruña, ES
-EJECT. La Alhóndiga, Bilbao, ES
-EJECT. La Fundición, Sevilla, ES
-Henry Hudson and his son. Cinéma du Réel 2012, Centre Pompidou, París, FR
-Royal College of Art Screening, British Film Institute, London, UK
-Humanimal: The Feast. Henry Moore Gallery, RCA, London, UK
-Atelier, PACT Zollverein, Essen, DE
-EDIT. FIDCU, Montevideo, UR
-EDIT. El Grec, Barcelona, ES
-EDIT. Aerowaves, B-Motion, Bassano del Grappa, IT
-Royal College of Art Screening, British Film Institute, London, UK
-Humanimal: The Feast. Henry Moore Gallery, RCA, London, UK
-Atelier, PACT Zollverein, Essen, DE
-EDIT. FIDCU, Montevideo, UR
-EDIT. El Grec, Barcelona, ES
-EDIT. Aerowaves, B-Motion, Bassano del Grappa, IT
-EDIT. Madrid en Danza, Madrid, ES
-EDIT. Ciclo Cuerpo e Imagen. La Alhóndiga, Bilbao. ES
-EDIT. Ciclo Cuerpo e Imagen. La Alhóndiga, Bilbao. ES
-Dance and Theater Production Grant Madrid Arts Council
-Contemporary Artistic Creation Grant from Madrid City Council
-UBU Theater Awards, Italy. Finalist Music Score category
-Fundación SGAE scholarship
-Fundación SGAE scholarship
-Miquel Casablancas Project Award. Finalist
-Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation Artistic Grant
-Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation Artistic Grant
-Dance and Theater Production Grant Madrid Arts Council
-Auditorio de Galicia Young Artists Award. First Prize
-INJUVE Youg Creation Project Award
-MAN Photography Prize, Runner up
-MAN Photography Prize, Runner up
-INJUVE Youg Creation. Finalist
-Residencias Paraíso, AGADIC, Colectivo RPM, ES
-La Poderosa, Barcelona, ES
-La Poderosa, Barcelona, ES
-Kunstencentrum BUDA, Kortrijk, BE
-Workspacebrussels, Brussels, BE
-WP Zimmer, Amberes, BE
-Workspacebrussels, Brussels, BE
-WP Zimmer, Amberes, BE
-Residencias Paraíso, AGADIC, Colectivo RPM, ES
-TanzHaus, Zurich, CH
-NAVE, Santiago de Chile. CL
-Residency OYO, Zeimiai, Lituania, LT
-La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
-CA2M, Móstoles, ES
-CA2M, Móstoles, ES
-PACT Zollverein, Essen, DE
-ChoreoRoam Europe, ES, IT, UK, HR, NL
- Draconis Lacrimae - The Player’s Handbook; a.pass; Brussels
-Esbert Lilienfeld P, La Ribot, Paz Rojo, Dora García, Juan Domínguez et al; DANZA-FICCIÓN; pp 33-54; “Conversaciones, anotaciones y dramaturgia en las artes vivas: España y Uruguay”; Estuario Ed; Montevideo
-Laborde D ed.; “Haizebegi. Revue annuelle d’Anthropologie de la Musique”; Munduko Musiken Etxea; Bayonne
-Universidad Popular. Alimentar la quimera. Jornada 4: CÓMO ENGENDRAR A TU DRAGÓN; Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo; Madrid
-Laborde D ed.; “Haizebegi. Revue annuelle d’Anthropologie de la Musique”; Munduko Musiken Etxea; Bayonne
-Universidad Popular. Alimentar la quimera. Jornada 4: CÓMO ENGENDRAR A TU DRAGÓN; Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo; Madrid
-Strate Pezdirc FV; SONGS OF HAIN CATALOGUE; pp 151-224; MAC Gas Natural Fenosa; A Coruña
-Simón A ed.; pp 201-209; “Desiderata”; Desiderata Editorial; Madrid
We collaborate with friends whose work we admire.
Pablo has made the music, performed and assisted in many pieces by Alessandro Sciarroni, like FOLK-S, Aurora or Untitled - I will be there when you die. He also makes music and performs with Chiara Bersani, Janet Novás, Marco D’Agostin, Ingrid Berger Myhre, Ligia Lewis, Manuel Rodríguez or Mario Barrantes.
Federico collaborates as video maker and choreographer with other artists as well. He’s worked with Lina Lapelytè or Mario Barrantes, and he’s made music videos for bands like Corazón or Caliente Caliente.