Monica is the name of our two mothers. This coincidence has fascinated us since we began our relationship: both Monicas were born in Argentina in the 1950s, daughters of European war refugees and they both emigrated to Spain as adults.

Monica Lilienfeld (Pablo’s mum) was a painter who died very young, in 1986. Monica Pezdirc (Fede’s mum) posed nude throughout her life in the erotic photographs taken by her husband. The paintings and photographs created by our mothers form the basis of this work, which interweaves our diasporic genealogies and explores the performativity of images.

In Monica the trees of traditional genealogy intermingle, forming a web of non-heteronormative maternities and speculative telenovelas. A genealogical ecology is thus formed in which not only the epic of wars, migrations and other patriarchal-historicist narratives coexist, but also those that have been left out.

Premiere: spring 2025


Monica (Belgian premiere)
Kaaitheater, Brussels

Monica (Spanish premiere)
Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona

Monica - Episodio 5: Bajo el sol cegador (gallery format)
Lazos Mecánicos. Artium, Vitoria

Monica - Episode 4: Ultraviolet stroke (worl-in-progress)
Open Studios. Kaaistudios, Brussels

Monica - Episode 3: Stranded statue (work-in-progress)
Tanzhaus Zurich

Monica - Episodio 2: La quiero ver bailar (work-in-progress)
Hacer Historia(s), Barcelona

Monica - Episodio 1: Déjenla sola (work-in-progress)
Festival Plataforma, Santiago de Compostela


A project by Federico Vladimir & Pablo Lilienfeld

Based on the paintings by Monica Lilienfeld and the photographs by Monica Pezdirc and Federico Strate.

Music by Pablo and Fede, created in collaboration with and sung by Sophie Taylor, Janet Novas, Cris Blanco, Adriana Reyes, Anaël Snoek & Bunny Cadag

Video by Fede and Pablo in collaboration with Quiela Nuc

Video guest stars: our nieces and nephews

Digital environment: NastPlas

Voiceover: Anaël Snoek

Monica Lilienfeld’s voice: Monica Kerner

Dramaturgical advice: Simon Baetens

Movement advice: Mario Barrantes

Scenography: Špela Tušar & Carmen Triñanes

Light design: Iván Cascon

Costume design: Aarón López

Make up design: Esther Quintas

Portraits of Fede & Pablo: Juan Papagnimeca

Additional instruments: Yamila Ríos & Rafael Cereceda

Genealogy advice: Regula Bochsler

Paintings documentation: Santiago Esbert

Production: AnAku

Co-production: C-TAKT, Mercat de les Flors, workspacebrussels, Viernulvier and Spanish Embassy in Belgium.

Residency support: Kaaitheater, Graner, C-TAKT, workspacebrussels, Tanzhaus Zurich, Paraíso / MIT, La Poderosa & Auditorio de Tenerife

With the support of de Vlaamse Overheid

Thanks to Bâtard Festival, Sabine Cmelniski, Martin Zícari, Jesús Ubera, Sonia Gomez, Conchita Pons, Norberto Llopis, Mentah, Raúl Querido, Alejandro Marani, Carina Erdmann y Caroline Godard.